Membership Form

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All persons suffering from Crohn’s or Colitis over the age of eighteen (18) are eligible to become members of the Association with full voting rights. Persons sharing the interests and aims of the Association and those of persons suffering from Crohn’s or Colitis are also eligible to become Members of the Association with full voting rights.

Please fill in all the details in BLOCK CAPITALS.

Personal Details
(please mark as applicable)
I the undersigned declare that:
(Please tick as appropriate)
MACC is committed to ensuring the security and protection of the personal information that we process, and to provide a compliant and consistent approach to data protection. If you have any questions related to our GDPR compliance, please contact us or make a Data Subject Access Request.


*Membership Application  Forms may also be downloaded from here and submitted by post . It is to be noted that all details provided will be entered in our database and any information given to MACC will be treated as highly confidential. The completed form/s together with the lifetime subscription fee of €25 are to be handed either to a member of the Executive Committee of MACC, or else returned by post to: The Treasurer, c/o Etienne Aquilina 40, Aryquepay, St. George’s Street, St. Venera SVR 1102. Details on how to affect payment may be found in the form. In a short time, the applicant will receive a payment receipt by post and member subscription information by email.